
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I am so excited to start this new blog! Hank and I have gone from a house full of children to an empty nest. Although I was extremely worried, it is actually turning out to be quite a journey. I have learned many things over the past years but life still surprises me. I hope that in sharing ,I may touch on something you can relate to or at least that you will enjoy. I will post when I am inspired or feel the need to share. I read somewhere that courage is the power to let go of the familiar. Well I must be courageous on some level because there is nothing familiar in my life anymore. Our little family has taken many shapes and forms but at our core, we are still one family. The miles may separate us but love remains. My biggest fear was that my children would not need me anymore. I am happy they still need me from time to time, but I am thankful for the adults they are . I am about to enter the next faze of my life as a published author. I have 4 publishing companies that have offered me contracts and that actually blows my mind! Through the years , I have written songs, poems, a children's book and a few short stories. Not once have I ever sent a thing to a publishing company. Fear has kept me from many things in my life. The fear of rejection is a powerful thing. The thing is, I woke up one day and realized that life was flying by. It is now or never. Richard Dumb said, " Don't follow your dreams, chase them" and that is just what I intend to do. Yes, it is scary and true, people may, or may not, like my book but at least I finally took a chance. It is like my entire life has led me to this moment and it feels incredible. I plan on sharing many things on this blog as I pass through this next chapter in life. Adventures, trials, laughter, tears, celebrations,etc.... but each will be about life. I choose to live each day and be present. In saying that, I will close with one more quote from William Wallace. This is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES! "Every man dies but not every man truly lives." Well, I choose to live! How about you? What is that one thing you have always wanted to do? Do you really want your life to end without knowing you really never even tried? What are you afraid of? People? Every human has a dream within and maybe they are uncomfortable with themselves when anyone else pursues theirs. Actually, if you read my by-line, I am in menopause so I really don't care. Yes, I may fail,but what if I fly instead? Either way, I will have soared. Go pursue your dream. Whatever that may look like to you. You have one life. It is not that long so just go for it!

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Lori! You amaze and inspire me continuously! Thank you for sharing all of your journeys and may God continue to bless you and yours.
